JULY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) On Social Media towards Brand Advocacy Behavior in the Banking Industry
1Ari Widiastuti,2Yolanda Masnita,3Kurniawati
1Universitas Trisakti Students
2,3Universitas Trisakti Lecturer
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-54

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs are considered crucial as they facilitate effective communication with customers and potential customers, while also fostering stronger bonds between customers and companies. This journal article investigates the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Social Media on Brand Advocacy Behavior, mediated by Customer Engagement (CE), Customer Company Identification (CCI), and Brand Trust. The study involved a sample of 239 customers from 14 banks, comprising 4 banks in the KBMI 4 category and 10 banks in the KBMI 3 category, with account tenure exceeding six months. The survey was completed through an online questionnaire, and data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings of this research revealed that CSR, mediated by Customer Engagement, Brand Trust, and Customer Company Identification, has an overall positive effect on Brand Advocacy Behavior among bank customers in Indonesia. This study is based on the social identity (SI) theory, which is widely utilized to explain the behavioral patterns of individuals in diverse contexts. The presence of various psychological factors as mediators substantiates the significant role of CSR in shaping the behavior of specific individuals. This research underscores that banks are not solely profit-oriented, but also actively engage in sustainable CSR initiatives. The implications of this study are particularly relevant to the banking sector, emphasizing the significance of communicating CSR initiatives on social media in fostering meaningful customer relationships and promoting Brand Advocacy Behavior.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Customer Engagement (CE), Customer Company Identification (CCI), Brand Trust and Brand Advocacy Behavior


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023

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